
I would like to thank each and every one of you that enjoys this digital platform and takes the time to

personally thank me for my work. Your words are inspirational and encouraging!

Thanks everyone!

“Maria: I came across your website through a reference in today’s Architect Weekly ezine and am delighted I did. I’ll bookmark your site and check back often. I read the first article and then the second and thirty minutes later realized how much time had passed. I’ve been practicing for thirty years and have always missed the stimulation of academia. I find each of your brief dissertations sort of like a day in design studio. Thanks for the inspiration.”

Ron Ward

AI Group Design

“Thank you. [Sensing Architecture] will be very helpful for my students in Architectural Design & Theory of Design.”

Maria Carmen S Yatco

“[…] a notable site called Sensing Architecture which is prescient in its understanding of the importance of Beauty in Architecture and why we connect with built form.” “ […] beautifully scripted and engaging posts on architecture.”

Andy Marshall


“My husband is an architect and my son is taking courses in architecture and sculpture and is very aware of how the mind and the emotions relate to buildings and space. I found your website and am in heaven….”


“I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now and I’m a big fan and love everything you post. It’s just soooo interesting and you talk about issues no one ever told me about during my university years, and for that i’m truly grateful. Discovering your blog was like discovering a whole new way of approaching architecture, and definitely a new path in my designing. Thank you Maria!!” Your posts give me that poetic feeling and are so insightful —they always make me question my way of designing. Thank you for a wonderful blog!


“Sensing Architecture is a rich and perceptive site!”

Bonnie DeVarco

“Great post and I dare say this would work well for more than the design community. I am glad I found your blog and will definitely tell others.”

Bobby Darnell

Construction Market Consultants

“Hi Maria Lorena, I just discovered your site and it is amazing. I was always interested in how architecture influences humans and your site offers very valuable and interesting information about this topic. Congratulations.”

Luis Bentancor

“Hi Maria, I have many times read your articles in Sensing Architecture and the work is highly commendable. It gives another dimension to the thought process of the designer and […] could really help the designer fraternity.”

Sujeet Mutha

“Hi Maria, I have been reading your newsletter and visiting your website for a few months and I really enjoy the topics. I have always felt that architecture needs to take the next step into the human subconscious. I downloaded your book and look forward to reading it. Thanks for your efforts.”

Humberto Ramos, AIA, LEED AP

RAMOS MARTINEZ a r c h i t e c t s

“While I’ve been actively engaged in the development and construction of the build environment since college, my Architectural spirit has become somewhat dormant. The energy and excitement I once felt in school, is alive and well at Sensing Architecture! You’ve ignited a spark again, and put into words what it means to experience the built environment and how it can truly touch your soul. A successful moment in Architecture is poetry and an energy that livens the spirit. Thanks, I had somehow forgotten that. What a great site!”


“Dear Maria, By chance i came across your website and just can’t say enough about how wonderful it is. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and have always been interested in psychology but unfortunately the university I attended did not offer any courses, and the way we were taught rarely was there mention of how psychology is a backbone in design. […] when I found this site, [Sensing Architecture], I was so excited. […] You have been a great inspiration to me.”

Rihab Shouna

“Maria, Yet another fine piece! I cannot help but to think you will open the doors to some new thinking for some of your readers.”

Bobby Darnell, Principal

Construction Market Consultants

“Dear Maria, Thank you for all the good work and your interest with e-static shadows projects. Looking forward to each posting by you.”

Jackson Tan

in square lab

“I am excited to see you touch a vein of values architecture, I have been chasing myself for years. Your depth of involvement in these very deep subjects is really beautiful and passionately dealt with and well written. Sound, color and value, shape, texture, scale, smell…. all definitive measures of the spaces we should be alert to. […] I will savor the rest of your investigation of sensuality in architecture. I’m Glad I found you.”

Dennis McLaughlin

McLaughlin Architect

“First of all, I would like to thank you for such an inspiring website. I am an architect and [have] started my masters on interior design. I came across [your] article while researching […] my thesis. And you inspired me a lot. I developed my subject around [your] ‘Can architecture Expand Human Senses’ article which is absolutely great. […] Many many thanks for this great website with such interesting articles. As a student I must say, it is more than educational.”

Ozgur Molla

I receive your Sensing Architecture news updates via email. Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for putting together the Sensing Architecture website. Specifically, the pieces on architecture, nanotechnology and augmented reality, I enjoy those. I also liked the nanomaterials and new sensations story as well. […] Thanks again, and keep up the good work.

Jim Rohrich

On the promise of the “Power of Pull and the Semantic Web” for the Architecture discipline: “An exciting place to explore is Sensing Architecture, a site dedicated to new breakthroughs in architecture using new materials and new kinds of information systems.”

David Siegel

Entrepreneur, Author of of the book


“I would like to begin by congratulating you for your website and articles, which I have found very instresting, up-to-date and pertinent. I am an architecture student […] doing a Master Thesis on the relation between cities and mental maps.”

Cristiana Rodrigues

“Dear Maria Lorena Lehman, First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing all of your thoughts through your website and in the e-book ‘Bringing Architecture Next Level’. I was very fascinated and somehow you open my eyes to the things that happen right before my eyes that I didn’t notice. […] I am actually planning to do my final year thesis based on the issues that I have gathered from your writings. Once again, thank you for the knowledge that you have passed around.”


“I have wondered for years why architectural design has thought so little about the people who occupy its space and what they are trying to accomplish within that space. I have found myself redesigning spaces […] for aesthetics and human performance optimization. These two aspects are really part of the same package. […] I am a human systems integrator who has worked mostly in the aerospace defense industry. This requires a lot of work space design and often habitation design (be it for a space stations, submarine, ship or aircraft). As a human engineer I do total systems design and this often requires extensive knowledge of the environment and architecture that you are trying to accommodate and integrate with or create. Your website is the first I have come across that states this and is refreshing.”


“Hi Maria, I just found your website – but I wanted to THANK YOU for the awesome work you are doing. I am a wedding and event designer and at the same time a budding neuroscientist (graduating from Medical School) and I strive to make events that are compliant with findings from neuroscience. I wanted to let you know that you are a big inspiration for me! Keep up the excellent work!!!”

Rosanna Tarsiero

“Dear Maria, Many thanks for your attractive, wonderful writing! I just found your website and found it really useful as an information source regarding the future of Architecture…I am a co-lecturer at Limkokwing University of Malaysia, teaching Architecture with a specialty in design studies.”


“Maria Lorena Lehman, one of the leading experts on delivering exceptional occupant experiences through smart building design. […]”

Construction Specialties, Inc

Published in ArchDaily

Hi Maria, I would like to thank you for availing accessibility to your book “Bringing Architecture to the next Level” I am an Interior Designer but I believe the book will be relevant to me as much as to an architect. […] Thank you,

BernardBernard Rop

I love the website Sensing Architecture by Maria Lorena Lehman. She consistently posts interesting articles and slideshows, & podcasts about exploring the science of how occupants perceive space. Bookmark her site or subscribe!


Design Elixir

Hello Maria, It is a great pleasure to be a part of Sensing architecture. It’s a very informative and inspiring site. I am very thankful to have found it. I am a final year architecture student in the south of India. I am doing my architectural dissertation on the ” Influence of the five senses on architecture” with a detailed study on smell, touch and sound. I decided to do this topic because I truly believe that it is of highest importance in today’s architectural context. Your blog further encouraged me to pick this topic. […]

Maya Seetharaman

Your articles have constantly provoked us to recaliberate our approach to design and architecture. Do keep up the good work.

Jackson Tan

In Square Lab

Dear Maria, I have just finished reading your short book ‘Bringing Architecture to the Next Level’. I am utterly thrilled by the thoughts you have put forward and I think the book is an important contribution to the discipline of architecture. In my work, I think a lot about cities and how the experience of urban life can be fulfilling and uplifting to all. Your book is helping me see new paths to that goal. Please accept my thanks both for the copy of the book mailed to me and the profound insights contained therein.

Kigara Kamweru

Dear Maria, So excited to have found your website today, I am working on a PhD at Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia) under the supervision of Aspro. Marcus Foth, on “Understanding the implications of networked interactions on the design of public urban spaces” so a lot of what you are saying about sensing architecture resonates. I have a town planning background and am fascinated with how we perceive and create ‘place’. I look forward to reading your newsletters as I think they will be insightful for my work too…will be following with interest.

Kirralie Houghton

Maria, I am so happy to have discovered your studies during my research late last night. I read it way into the night. I am a designer and a college educator specializing in teaching and designing for disabilities. This past year I have been developing and teaching a course that intertwines human factors with an evidence based design approach for special needs. Beauty, environmental concerns, creativity, function, and safety are all an integral part of the design solution. Your book reinforces so many of the principles in the class and also introduces many more ideas and thoughts. I really appreciated the information and will share the insights with my students.I appreciated your book and your willingness to share your wonderful insights so much. It was very good and I thank you.

Diane Alexander

Maria, Hello! I am a big fan of your website. It touches very deep issues that have played a role in my design process and has helped in my thesis writing.. so thank you…

Iman El Badry

Hello Maria, I stumbled upon your site just the other week and I must say I love it! I’m an architecture student here in the Philippines trying to find ways to learn not only in school but also from the “outside world”, to broaden my mind even just a little bit. I’m on my 4th year now, and in June i’m going to have to start with my thesis so i really am grateful that I’ve found your site. It’s really really helpful and up to date. You are now one of my inspirations. Thank you so much for your site. God bless!

Kris Castillo

Hi! Maria, I’m from the Philippines and am also teaching architecture. I love reading your articles as these are pertinent, up- to- date and so interesting. Every visit to your site is a delightful learning experience. Your posts provides insights and inspire me to teach the same my students. I actually am inviting them to visit your site so they would also learn from you first hand how to experience and SENSING Architecture. Thank you for this wonderful, and a very informative site.

Noel de La Cruz

Hi Maria, My name is Edgar and I’m a faithful reader of your blog – I’m subscribed to it and read almost every piece you publish. I’ve discovered some of the greatest architecture themed articles and concepts on your website and I would like to thank you for that.


The information you have provided is really helpful. I was stuck with my design problem and started searching for concepts. Now i have started to think about the patterns and the occupants needs — combining them with my design. THANK YOU………


Hello Maria, I came across your website last night while looking for biomimicry in architecture. I’ve been a residential designer for 30yrs. and am passionate about the psychology of architecture and how it effects society and individuals and our responsibility as design professionals in creating buildings to human scale and harmony. I was thrilled to find your site. Thanks for your wonderful important work.[…] Keep up your wonderful work!

DmitriDmitri Rusov-Morningstar

Hello Maria, I must say that your lectures are actually helping me to improve my designs. Thank you so much for such knowledgeable and interesting teachings.

Meeta Bramhe

Maria, I enjoy your articles a lot, and I find them very intuitive as they open a wide range of curiosity towards architecture and its real effect on users and communities, so I would like to thank you for your contribution and the message you are sending out to our communities.

Rana Mamdouh

Hi Maria, I just wanted to mention that I enjoy your newsletter and your subject line caught my eye this morning. I have been a subscriber for a while and […] Your site really impressed me and have to compliment you as it has excellent content and a nice layout.

Tim Johnson

Hi Maria, You are teaching quite interesting information that even most architects are not quite aware of. I only recently encountered writings by Caroline Jones (Sensorium), Noe (out of our heads), Barbara Stafford and others and began to realize the importance of employing the 5 modalities in design. But you are really going beyond and bridging theory with practice. I am already excited to work with you and learn more than I thought I really thought i would.

Mothusi Phometsi

This line is genius “You see, authenticity shows that a building sits within its surrounding context well, while contributing toward it in its own right.” You could build an entire career around just that sentence. It’s worth sitting with it for a while….Even just stopping at the word “authenticity” is enough to build a career around, and one that would be worth having.

Peter Lynch

Reaction to Sensing Architecture Article:

Maria, I’m deeply in love with your write up on “The use of texture in architectural design”. I […] couldn’t find any substantial help until I got here. Thank you so much. I very much appreciate this.

DominicDominic Ubah

I really enjoy the e-mail [Design Insight Newsletters] and books. They are very useful and they bring positive changes to the way I work. I learned new methods and techniques to face the problems I had in designing. Thank you very much.


It’s all joy to have the opportunity to enjoy your resources [on Sensing Architecture]. I believe strongly it’s going to help my work. Thanks.


I have been searching the internet for over a year now and wondered why no one has tapped into the sensory part of architecture, and finally, I stumbled upon your blog. It’s very beautifully written, I must say.


Hi Maria, I love your articles! As a designer who just graduated in a masters degree, I am focusing too in the wellness and health of the inhabitants in a workplace but in a green/sustainable design and how this affects their interaction. Considering technology too after reading your article has given me a new insight. Thank you!


Hi, dear Maria

I've always liked (loved) your articles, your ideas and your kind and humble personality.


Dear Maria Lorena, Congratulations on the amazing work and deep research behind each of your courses. [...] Thank you so much.


I just finished reading your article on Architectural Sensescape and I truly appreciate how comprehensive and well written it is. It has helped me to understand how important olfactory stimulations are and how they can benefit design . While designing for children and adults with disabilities such as autism, olfactory stimulation plays an important role in characterising their chemosensory processing. This and the other articles that you share on your page are very informative and inspiring.

I really appreciate your innovative thinking and I'm really inspired by you.


I would just like to say that after being in architecture both academically and within the industry for over 20 years, I feel as though what you're saying in this [Sensing Architecture] Magazine brings to light long lost and forgotten components, secrets, and keys to creating hi-functionality and attentive design. Something computers don't often provide when the designer is in the trenches.

Archtitude (5-Star Review)

I truly and fully believe the world of architecture needs more people like you. But most importantly us, end users of buildings. Your work is extremely valuable and I think you should teach it at Universities that offer Environmental Psychology too!

Inner Dream to Outer Form (Twitter)

Hi [Maria], I just want to thank you for your insights. You really inspire me at the moment. God bless you! :)


Since taking the Sensing Architecture Academy course(s), I've had success because I've learned a cohesive process to apply to my own design process. The course is going well, and the teaching style is very methodical. I'm enjoying the process, and am using it to analyze my own system.

Bradley, United States

What I like the most about the Sensing Architecture Academy courses is the well mastered progression from fundamental concepts to more refined ones organized in a way that I can grasp the whole thing at the end with a strong core concept. These concepts are apparently simple at first, but then grow deeper and deeper since they get a powerful meaning at the end of the course. Love it.

Yann, France

I appreciate the care and sensitivity Maria Lorena Lehman brings to all her projects and her ability to share these traits with students who are looking to learn creative and gentle ways of joining art, form, and function as part of the living environment.

Dmitri, United States

Congratulations on the amazing work and deep research behind each of the Sensing Architecture Academy's courses. [...] Thank you so much.

Carla, United States

Before enrolling in the Sensing Architecture Academy, I was challenged with learning how to touch the soul [through environmental design]. Since taking the course(s), I now understand how [through design] beauty is not only seen with our physical senses, but also with our soul and spirit. I really like Maria Lorena Lehman's teaching style.

Deyanira, Dominican Republic

Thank you! The Sensing Architecture Academy lessons are wonderful. I have gone through all of the lessons many times, and I have found new dimensions and perspectives to approaching architectural designs.

Anushmadhu, India

I present this testimony to express my gratitude and admiration for this website and the lecturer's outstanding performance, which shows abundant knowledge and strong presentation. These lectures by Maria Lorena Lehman have benefited me in my scientific life as a university professor and my professional practices as an architect. I always wish her good luck.

Dr. Usama Konbr

Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Department

Tanta University, Egypt

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